Register Today

The first step to becoming an Egg Donor is to register your interest by completing the form below. This form allows us to check that you meet the initial criteria to register to become an Egg Donor with EDA.

Once you have completed this form, you will be notified if you are eligible or not. If you are successful, you will be transferred to a new page where you can proceed to complete the second part of our registration process.


We understand the importance of protecting your personal information and have security measures in place to ensure the information submitted is treated as private and confidential as per our Privacy Collection StatementPrivacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions  of this website.


If you feel like you need more information or just need someone to talk to, please contact our friendly staff to discuss any questions you may have. We are here to help.


Register your Interest

    Personal Details

    Additional Information

    Medical Info
    Are you adopted or donor-conceived?
    Do you have full medical history?
    Have you donated, or intend to donate, at another clinic?
    If you have donated at another clinic, can you please provide us with the name(s) of the clinic where you donated?
    Do you have a current diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

    Body Mass Index

    Your weight (KGs)
    Your Height (CMs)

    Please tick each box to acknowledge that you understand and meet each of the following eligibility requirements for egg donation.

    I have read and agree to the terms of EDA - City Fertility's Privacy Collection Statement and Privacy Policy




    Find Your Clinic

    Please be advised that the Donation of Reproductive Tissue in Australia must be Altruistic.
    City Fertility is accredited by a joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) Certification Body in accordance with the Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC) Certification Scheme. Approved under the Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1979 for advertisement in Queensland and has also been approved by the Minister for Health as required by section 40 of the Human Tissue Act 1982 (Vic). Documented actual expenditure on medical and associated travel will be reimbursed.