Becoming an Egg Donor – Step-by-Step Guide

Egg donors Australia donation steps and process


*Please note: a referral, from your GP, to one of our accredited specialists is required to become an egg donor with EDA.

  1. Contact and Register with Egg Donors Australia
    To become an egg donor, you must register your interest by completing our Registration Form. This form allows us to check that you meet the initial criteria to become an Egg Donor with EDA. You can register your initial interest in three different ways:

  2. Lifestyle Consent Form
    You will be asked to fill in the Lifestyle Consent Form. This consent form includes information about your medical and family history and will be reviewed by the specialist.
  3. Pathology Collection
    These tests are required as part of the routine screening process, necessary before treatment. You will be required to take some screening blood tests, and the results will be forwarded to your specialist.Some of the screening blood tests you will be required to take are:

    • Donor: HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Karyotype, Blood Group, Extended Carrier Screenings, Rubella Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
  4. Pelvic Ultrasound
    A vaginal ultrasound examination is performed to check the normality of the ovaries and uterus. A donor coordinator will provide you with a referral form and advise of a nearby radiology clinic that performs pelvic ultrasounds. The donor coordinator and treating clinician will review the results.
  5. Consent and Appointment Booking
    The donor coordinator will be in contact via email to provide you with the necessary consent forms and book your required appointments.
    Egg Donor Consent Form
    The egg donor consent form is comprised of the following:

    • Non-identifying information. We use the information you provided to create your profile, which prospective recipients of donor eggs will view when choosing a donor.
    • Identifying information. Following current legislation and City Fertility policy, we require certain identifying information.
  6. Medical Consultation with Specialist
    To ensure that you are medically suitable to become an egg donor, you will require a consultation with one of our specialists. This doctor will review your medical and family history and explain the process of becoming an egg donor.
  7. Extended Genetic Carrier Screenings
    You will also be required to complete an extended genetic carrier screening test in the form of a saliva sample. The test performed checks for over 175+ genetic conditions. Recipients of donated gametes are also tested for the same genetic conditions. Complimentary counselling with a geneticist is available if you are positive for a condition.
  8. Counselling
    It is mandatory for women who are considering donating eggs (and their partners) to attend two counselling sessions. Counselling provides the opportunity to discuss treatment on a more personal level. It allows you to raise more private issues, such as individual concerns, relationship difficulties, or current life situations that may affect the donor’s treatment experience. You will also discuss issues related to the future rights of the child (who has been conceived from donor gametes) to know their genetic background. A “cooling off” period of 14 days (between the first and second counselling sessions) is required before any treatment can commence. This is to ensure that you have been given adequate time to consider all aspects of the donation program.
  9. Final Review
    To ensure everything is ready for the treatment to begin, the specialist and fertility nurse will do a final review of the counselling reports, blood tests and consent forms.

Egg donors are required to undergo an IVF cycle to retrieve the eggs. Once you have completed the preliminary steps to becoming an egg donor, you will be ready to start treatment. To learn more about the Egg Donor Treatment and what is involved, please visit our Egg Donation Process page.


Our friendly staff is available to discuss any questions you may have about our donor program, so please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you.


What is Involved in the Egg Donation Process?

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    Please be advised that the Donation of Reproductive Tissue in Australia must be Altruistic.
    City Fertility is accredited by a joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) Certification Body in accordance with the Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC) Certification Scheme. Approved under the Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1979 for advertisement in Queensland and has also been approved by the Minister for Health as required by section 40 of the Human Tissue Act 1982 (Vic). Documented actual expenditure on medical and associated travel will be reimbursed.